Characteristics of 'good' agile testing solutions

Agile Day - 23. Mai
Rheinauen (1. OG)

The difference that a 'good' automated test solution can make is undeniable. But building is not easy and for many projects is prohibitively expensive. Sadly, many projects 'give up' on their test automation before it delivers on its full promise, opting out by outsourcing/offshoring the 'testing problem'. Not only are the quality benefits not met, but the 'empowerment' of test automation is never experienced. As a consequence, the project suffers from the classic problems of iterative waterfall and the Agile process bares the blame.

In this talk I will share what I see as the characteristics of a 'good agile automated test solution'. Looking at the critical features of test tools and services, my intention is to give you an actionable list, which you can use yourself, to evaluate automated testing solutions. With these principles in mind, then you can find a solution that minimises the upfront costs for set up and maximises its effectiveness.

Daniel Burns

Daniel Burns

I am a Quality specialist who's been delivering testing solutions for 10 (plus) years throughout Europe, primarily in enterprise applications. I focused heavily on automated testing in both 'traditional' and agile projects. Having drunk deeply from the 'KoolAide', I am committed to Agile Development, Continuous Delivery and the principles of DevOps. The benefits of automation and optimisation in all aspects of the SDLC are so undeniable, barring an 'exceptional' reason, then I strongly believe all projects need this.
