Microservices with OSGi: practical experience

Conference Day - 22. Mai
Microservices / Blick über den Tellerrand
Rheinauen (1. OG)

Today Microservices architecture is widely recognized and accepted by a lot of development teams. At the same time the people realize that this architecture has some restrictions and challenges.

Interesting that Microservices and OSGi Services are very close. The talk will analyse the core ideas of both architectures and shows the benefits provided by the OSGi Eco system for Microservices developer.

Based on practical experience, the presenter will demonstrate the best engineering practices in design and development Microservices with Apache Karaf (powered by OSGi) including modularity, resilience, continuous delivery and testability.

One important aspect of Microservices architecture is communication using lightweight mechanisms. Apache CXF project is the perfect choice for this. The talk will show how to design, secure, customize and document your Microservices APIs using Apache CXF JAX-RS implementation.

The presentation will cover the following aspects:
- Microservices and OSGi: similarities and differences
- Microservices in Apache Karaf as OSGi based runtime: design, development, deployment, configuration and testing
- Design Microservices APIs with Apache CXF: best practices
- Using Swagger to document your Microservices APIs
- Achieving resilience with Hystrix
- Secure access to Microservices APIs using Apache CXF

Andrei Shakirin

Talend, Deutschland

Andrei is a software architect in the Talend team developing the open source Application Integration platform based on Apache projects. The areas of his interest are REST design, web services security, microservices and agile development. Andrei is PMC and committer of Apache CXF and committer of Syncope projects.
