Design REST Services with CXF JAX-RS: best practices and lessons learned

Conference Day - 20. Mai
Web Apps / Cloud

Exposing APIs through a REST has a great benefit for the applications: they become part of the Word Wide Web.

JAX-RS specification makes creation of REST services easy and intuitive for the Java developers. However there are number of topics to worry about in order to provide clean and maintainable REST APIs.

In this presentation, Andrei will share practical experience to design REST services based on JAX-RS Apache CXF implementation.

The presentation will cover the following:

  • Exposing of resources and collections
  • Multimedia and HATEOAS
  • Exception processing
  • Client and Server asynchronous APIs
  • Using of JSON providers
  • Crosscutting aspects in JAX-RS filters and interceptors
  • Bean validation

The audience is anyone interested in design and implementing of REST services. Attendees can expect a short overview of basic REST principles, step-by-step design of REST API for the Apache Syncope domain model and explanation of some tricky topics.

The main goals of this presentation are share the best practices, experience and discuss the most important aspects of designing REST APIs.

Andrei Shakirin


Andrei is software architect in Talend team developing the open source Application Integration platform based on Apache projects. His has expert knowledge in design and implementation of web security solutions. Andrei is committer of Apache CXF and Syncope projects. He is member of OASIS S-RAMP Work Group and speaker at Java and Apache conferences.