Keynote: deicIDE - On The Rise and Fall of the IDE

Agile Day - 22. Mai
Raum Baden

{abridged from God of War III, SCE Santa Monica Studio, 2010}

IDE: You challenge me, mortal? A god of software engineering?

Seer: A true developer does not hide, IDE. Leave the UI, and face me!

Seer: You have disrespected software engineering for the last time, Seer.

[Seer rips the IDE out of its textual context onto a nearby ledge and throws it against a wall]

IDE: emacs and vi should have kept you where you belonged. No matter how many text editors fall, there will always be another to stand against you.

Seer: They will fall as well.

IDE: The death of software engineering means the death of us all.

Seer: Then prepare for your death, IDE.

Prof. Michele Lanza

University of Lugano, Switzerland

Michele Lanza is professor and dean (not James) at the faculty of informatics of the University of Lugano, Switzerland, which he co-founded in 2004. His doctoral dissertation, completed in 2003 at the University of Bern, received the Denert award for best thesis in software engineering of 2003. Prof. Lanza received the Credit Suisse Award for best teaching in 2007 and 2009.

At the University of Lugano Prof. Lanza leads the REVEAL research group, working in the areas of software visualization, evolution, and analytics. He authored more than enough articles and the book "Object-Oriented Metrics in Practice". Prof. Lanza is involved in a number of scientific communities, and has served on probably too many program committees.

He digs visualization, universal design, and when it comes to programming he thinks it’s nothing but Smalltalk.